What is a Localization Sprint and Why do We Need it?

As we continue to explore the applications of DevOps practices to localization, we arrive to the concept of sprints. Sprints are an efficient way of getting specifically defined things done in a given time. Let's see how the idea of sprints translate to the world of global content creation.

Drawing from the iterative nature of agile sprints and the collaborative approach of DevOps, localization sprints adapt the principles of continuous improvement and cross-functional teamwork to content and language operations (LangOps). Here, the Minimum Viable Localization Product (MVLP) is used as our starting line, inspired by the MVP model in DevOps, signalling a journey of iterative refinement based on real-time insights and cultural nuances. In this article we’ll uncover how localization sprints not only accelerate content readiness but also ensure a deeply resonant and culturally attuned user experience. 

a person sprinting across the room
Photo by Andy Beales on Unsplash

What is a Localization Sprint?

Localization Sprint which is very similar to software development sprints sets a designated amount of time to perform a specific amount of localization work. Localization sprints usually deal with different levels of content polishing. Beginning with an MVLP, we harness real-time feedback and data to refine and adapt content continuously. It’s about being proactive, agile, and perpetually ready to make the necessary adjustments to ensure global resonance and relevance. Here are some examples of how a localization sprint looks like.

Human Post-Editing Sprint

Once MVLP has had time to gather data on user behavior, it is now possible to make an informed decision to invest in a cultural and linguistic refinement phase. Here, we identify the most interactive languages and pieces of content and pass them on to the expert linguists for optimization. This means that investments you make in content localization are now cascaded and staggered, prioritizing the content that gets the most attention.

Let’s say you have a database of blogs which you would like to use to increase your international traffic. Investing in human lead localization for all the content into many languages can be time consuming and expensive, especially without knowing if the content will stick. What Native Localization does is, we deploy a MVLP on the entire content, which costs fraction of the price. We then have a look at local user analytics over. The course of, let’s say 4 weeks. After the time has passed, we have a clear idea of which languages and articles have the greatest number of unique users. Based on that we create a list of priorities of where an what to localize first. Investment in priority content now makes much more sense.

SEO Optimization Sprint

The SEO Optimization Sprint follows the same structure and is strategically designed to amplify your content’s global footprint. Focusing on the most popular languages and content (backed by the data provided by the MVLP), this phase involves a meticulous process where multilingual SEO experts collaborate during a localization sprint to optimize every aspect of your content. They employ advanced tools and strategies to ensure that your content not only aligns with but also capitalizes on the nuances of search engine algorithms across different regions. The outcome of this localization sprint is not just an increase in visibility but also in credibility and user engagement.

Old Content Optimization Sprint

The market is an ever-evolving entity, and staying relevant is the key to sustained engagement. The Delayed Content Optimization Sprint is about agility and responsiveness. As feedback streams in and market trends shift, this phase involves a dynamic process of revisiting and refining content. By analyzing user interactions, market feedback, and emerging trends, this sprint ensures that your content remains at the forefront of relevance and effectiveness. The idea is very similar to reintroducing an old feature in a new light for older content to remain relevant

Why Is it Important?

Data-Driven Decision Making

Localization sprints are grounded in data. Every decision, every refinement, and every strategic pivot is based on real-time insights. This data-driven approach ensures that localization efforts and investment are not just methodical but also highly targeted and effective. It’s about understanding user behavior, market trends, and linguistic nuances to tailor content that is not just translated but also culturally and contextually optimized.

The Role of Technology

Technology plays a pivotal role in enabling efficient and accurate localization sprints. The idea of a localization sprint is made possible by creating an infrastructure of interacting software elements that are responsible for integrations, automation, data analysis and localization.

Collaborative Dynamics

Localization sprints thrive on collaboration. They bring together translators, developers, cultural experts, engineers, SEO specialists, and marketers in a cohesive effort. This collaborative environment fosters a holistic approach to localization, ensuring that every aspect of the content—from language to technical nuances to market trends—is considered and integrated into the final localization product.

Future-Proofing Content

In a world where change is the only constant, localization sprints offer a way to future-proof your content. By incorporating continuous feedback loops and market analysis, these sprints ensure that your content adapts and evolves with changing user preferences and market dynamics. This allows for longer life spans of older content, that typically take less time to refurbish and release to start performing again. 

Localization sprints are a smarter and evolved approach to your global expansion. Introducing elements like MVLP and the ability to read global user behavior data ensures that all your localization efforts and investments make sense. If you’re ready to take the next step and see how these evolved localization concepts look like in your landscape, give us a message and we’ll tell you all about it!