
Bring your e-learning resources to a global audience with e-learning localization. With a comprehensive understanding of e-learning platforms, Native can help you create great learning experiences in any of our supported languages.

E-learning localization service

E-learning localization services bring together a whole lot of separate language disciplines, therefore it is considered one of the more complex localization workflows. In order to be fully proficient in delivering a quality education content, a lot of different aspects must come together, including a workflow that consists of audiovisual, written and even transcreation localization aspects. 

Learning happens through different channels in the human brain, therefore having a multilayered approach to acquiring new knowledge is also crucial. For that reason, we see E-learning usually containing videos, audio material, tests, as well as educational text pieces. E-learning localization has to cater to all these types of content in a single discipline. This is made possible by orchestrating a localization workflow that holds consistency between voiceover, subtitling, transcreation and localization efforts.

What’s Behind a High Quality Localization Service?

A high quality e-learning localization services will provide a truly localized learning experience, allowing the enrolled students to gain the most benefits of the material. Native has been performing e-learning localization services for years and here are a few case studies that shine a light on the benefits of it:

E-Learning Case Study 1

E-Learning Case Study 2

Trust Native to handle your e-learning localization so you can focus on what you do best—delivering quality education resources.


We are highly skilled in the language of globalization, with a deep understanding of the complexities of language, culture, and logistics.

E-learning localization is the process of adapting online training materials to suit the linguistic, cultural, and technical requirements of a specific target audience.

Almost any type of e-learning content can be localized, including text-based content, audio recordings, video content, graphics, and interactive elements.

Benefits include increased engagement and comprehension for learners, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the training program, and the ability to expand the reach of the training program to new audiences.

The main challenges include ensuring the consistency and accuracy of the translated content, adapting content to suit the target culture, and dealing with technical issues such as font support and character encoding.

Work with a professional localization provider who specializes in e-learning content and has the necessary technical expertise to handle the various types of content. Additionally, a thorough quality assurance and testing process should be implemented before the content is released to learners.