Software Localization

Grow your user base and sales, establish a foothold and gain a competitive edge in the market, and connect with customers on a deeper level with professional software localization. Our expert team has a deep understanding of product localization and development processes. We adhere to development sprints and adjust localization deployment according to your release cycle.

Software Localization and how it relates to Software Development

When it comes to software localization, it is important to understand the flowing and continuously evolving nature of software development. In order for software localization efforts to be efficient and justify the investment, it is beneficial to think of it from a Development and Operations (DevOps) perspective. In order to create a product that truly resonates in local markets, software localization must embrace the collaborative nature, automation, continuous testing and continuous deployment, as well as opportunities to scale.

Does Software Localization hinder development?

Absolutely not. In fact, software that goes through the localization process typically has a higher quality UX than those that do not.

If software localization is set up properly and is aligned to software development, the value of investment goes beyond just translated content. It provides opportunities for A/B testing in local markets during the software mapping phase, deploying minimum viable product (localization) and possibilities to iterate the localization journey in tandem with development sprints. 

Software localization shines in its adaptive nature when servicing software development workflows. Furthermore, the additional layers of data that localization can provide in the product development journey provide insights that assist with positioning and pivots for the finalized product.

Native offers full-spectrum software localization services and localization management services, including:

Implementation and

Native handles the localization system setup and scaling requirements so you don’t have to.


Localizing your support and learning materials to give your users more power in their product use journey.

UI localization

We localize and live-test the UI to make sure your UI is functional in any market you choose.

Software strings,
Continuous Delivery

Continuous and uninterrupted localization of your base software as well as updates in accordance to your release cycle.


Documentation localization done right, taking syntax, links and corresponding code into account.

By partnering with Native, you get a new team member who is always in full sync with your localization workflow and implements all aspects of your software localization ensuring  its always  hassle-free and with minimal disturbances .


We are highly skilled in the language of globalization, with a deep understanding of the complexities of language, culture, and logistics.

Software localization is more than translating the software content into a different language. It adapts software to the intended end users’ language and culture, so that it feels natural to them. This can include adaptation of content, UI, UX, terminology, standard of measurement, and even graphic design elements and videos. Sometimes it also means changes to the backend code to adhere to regional managing and update specifications.

Localizing your software gives you several benefits, but let us go through the most obvious.

  • Competitive edge in the local market – the chances of your product being chosen for the simple reason of comprehensibility besides the primary purpose greatly increase.
  • It is more useful and appealing to the local buyer – the end user is more likely to deep-dive into learning to use your product and becoming a returning customer in the future.
  • Navigation and ease of use – self-explanatory, really. Target market users will be able to navigate faster and more intuitively, thereby making your software a more productive tool for them.
  • International brand recognition – as you grow your user base in local markets, your products will get more international recognition and reputation as a solid go-to choice with greater ease of access.
  • Increased sales in the long run – all of the above mentioned points boil down to the most important benefit for you – more sales and potential future sales.

Start preparing for localization as early as possible. Ensuring your software allows internationalization, avoiding hard-coded text, optimizing date and currency formats are just a few things to start with.
When approaching product localization, it is important to set goals and key performance indicators that will allow to measure the efficiency of your localization spending. A qualified localization vendor will assist you with creating a localization architecture, help with reporting and support you in measuring localization data and maximizing value.

Managing updates or continuous localization is ensured by having a proper localization architecture in place. Professional localization management and a well suited localization software will ensure a smooth and continuous content localization flow in sync with your product release cycle.

Professional localization process management is key to ensuring your content works for you and not against you in the desired market. Native localization managers will handle professional resource onboarding and glossary maintenance, and will highlight sensitive topics that might affect how your audience perceives your content.